Webinar on Breach of Construction Contracts

Experienced construction attorneys Mark B. Grzymala of Grzymala Law Offices, P.C. and Brandon Hummel of Hummel Law Group are pleased to announce they will be conducting a webinar on Breach of Construction Contracts in cooperation with Lorman Education Services.
In this webinar, the attorneys will provide a brief overview of the types of breaches that most often arise They will then focus on identifying the types of damages available in the event of a breach, the proof recover and possibility of recovery . They will conclude with a discussion on best practices for drafting a construction contract to minimize risks and to maximize your recovery.
The live webinar will be broadcast on August 15, 2019 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm CST. For more information about this valuable and informative seminar and to register, please click on the link below: Webinar on Breach of Construction Contracts